PR Connection

6 Day Skyscraper

PR Connection #15


Recently in Shanghai China they decided to see how fast they could build a fifteen story hotel. It took them six days to build the outside of the hotel. Something also crazy about the build is that its able to with stand a level 9 earthquake. How would you feel about staying in a 15-story-hotel knowing it was built in 6 days? I don’t think I could do it.

The Man Who Came to Dinner

PR Connection #14

This weekend Southeastern Universities Theater Department will be performing The Man Who Came to Dinner at the Polk Theater. I am personally very excited about this show mostly because my great friend Lizzie Charlton is in it. Tickets are on sale either on the Southeastern website or at the Polk the day of. The performances are as follows:

November 12 — 7:30 p.m.
November 13 — 2:30 & 7:30 p.m.
November 14 — 2:3o p.m.

Come out and support Southeastern!!

Incorporate Media in your Propsal!

PR Connection #13

I found this video while surfing the videos of YouTube. I thought it was a very cool idea how he incorporated media into his proposal. Do you like this idea? What stood out the most to you? Do you think he could have incorporated any other forms of media?

Gay Marriage on Glee?

PR Connection #12

This season of Glee has been pushing a lot of limits. This past week they had the first gay kiss and it’s looking like in a few weeks they may be having a gay wedding ceremony. Sue is known as the “bad guy” on the show and currently has no love interest. It has leaked that the show has filmed a wedding and that Sue is the bride. Some of the younger actors have let it slip that it is possibly a woman that Sue is getting hitched to. I personally love Glee but lately it is getting to risky for me. What do you think? Is the show pushing to many limits?

Demi Lovato doing Drugs?

PR Connection #11

Recent reports are stating that the young Disney star could possibly have some drug issues. A Texas teen is saying that he has video of Lovato at a party doing cocaine and drinking very heavily. The teen said at the time Lovato was only 17-years-old. While the Lovato camp is saying that she entered a rehabilitation center for emotional and physical problems they say drugs and alcohol have nothing to do with it. If videos do get released of the Disney start doing drugs what does it mean for her career?

West vs. Bush

In a recent interview with former President George W. Bush, Matt Lauer began to talk about an issue he faced during his presidency. Right after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans their was a telethon to raise money and support. Many celebrities came on talking about what we could do to help. Kanye West took the stage with Mike Myers and out of no where said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”. Shocked Lauer who was running the telethon at the time switches topics and sends the viewers to a commercial. Back to present times Bush say’s this was one of the hardest things he faced in his presidency. Bush wanted to get across that he was and is not a racist. I’m interested to read the former presidents new book Decision Points and see what all he talks about. What do you think? Should they just drop the Kanye thing or do people need to know the truth?

Disney Star in Rehab

Earlier today Disney star Demi Lovato was said to be on her way to a rehabilitation center. The 18-year old girl has had past problems with bullies in high school causing her to home school. Also a few years back the photo above was released saying that Lovato had a problem with cutting. While no one can be sure that the photo is real or photo-shopped many of her young fans are worried for her life. Lovato was on tour with the Jonas Brothers and had only six shows left on their tour. It is also said that she is facing an eating disorder. Whatever it may be I’m glad the young star knows getting help is okay and she is doing something about it to fix her life. Lovato also recently shut down her twitter on October 30, 2010 sending out, “I love my fans so much but the access that the other people have is uncomfortable to me. Twitterbreak”. I hope she gets the help she needs and can have a positive story to help others facing these problems.

Marco Rubio Wins!

Tuesday night Marco Rubio won the Senate race in the state of Florida. While many didn’t see Rubio as the winning candidate I guess the promises he ultimately made paid off and gave him a seat for the Florida Senate. Rubio took to the stage soon after his Senate win saying he was thankful and he had gotten calls from both Meek and Crist congratulating him. Also in the opening of his speech he mentioned how we were all children of God, something that made me smile ear to ear, and that whatever we may face in life, He will give us the strength to finish it. I’m very excited to see Rubio’s leadership in the state of Florida.

It’s a big big house

Mukesh Ambani decided it was time to build a new home for himself and his family so he thought, why not build a skyscraper and call it home? Ambani is the fourth-richest tycoon in the world and now him and his family of four others live in the worlds biggest home. This home needs 600 to keep it running smoothly. This house is worth somewhere around $1 billion. And some perks that go with that price tag are 27 stories, 3 helipads and a 160-car underground garage.

PETA gone wild?

I found this image here.

Well Lindsay Lohan is in rehab again, not so surprising in know, but this time it is different. From unknown sources it is saying that Lohan cannot pay the $50,000 price tag to stay at the Betty Ford Rehabilitation Center. So instead of going to jail Lohan knew that she needs to find a way to stay in rehab. PETA, The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, sent Lohan a letter stating that they will pay the bill on one condition, NO MEAT. PETA has said that they will front the bill is Lohan will become vegan. So become a vegan or go to jail? Hmm that seems like a tough decision.

What do you think? Is PETA just doing this for the publicity or because they feel bad for the young girl? Do you think Lohan should do it? Do you think she can do it?

Coo-Coo for Farmville

A Jacksonville mother, Alexandra Tobias, has been charged with second-degree murder for the death of her 3-month-old son. Tobias was playing the popular game Farmville on Facebook when the young child began crying. Tobias angrily got up and began to shake the child to make it stop. From the 911 call she thinks he could have hit his head on the computer but she wasn’t sure. She noticed the baby had stopped breathing and that is when she called the authorities.Friends of Tobias say that she was very protective of the child and that she could never have done something like this.

Baby Momma Drama

I found this image here.

Reality TV star Amber Portwood is in what it seems to be deep doo-doo and its not her babies. It all began when on the famous MTV show, Teen Mom. Amber was looked down on because of the degrading way she talked and treated her then fiance Gary. Amber would call him names and hit him. After authorities began to see this they questioned if Amber’s 2-year-old daughter Leah was in danger.

Recently Amber dropped the baby off with Gary and hasn’t talked to him in almost six days. Amber denies all claims saying she left the baby and that she is just currently in the process of moving. From recent reports it looks like Amber is about to loose custody of Leah. What do you think? Is she being a good mom? Do you think the media is hiding parts to this story?

My PR Professional

While Hannah Truscott may seem young don’t let her age fool you. Truscott is only 21 years-old but she has already accomplished more in her young life than may people that I know. A dream Truscott had growing up was to run her own magazine which is already taking flight. LIOL, which stands for Love In Other Languages. Her magazine is informing people on different non -profit organizations and letting you know how YOU can change the world. While the magazine is in its developmental stage it has already made an impact. LIOL has also had the chance to interview with many big named bands and artist due to Truscott’s job working with Easterfest.

Where did you go to school and what was your major?
I’m Australian so its not always very common to go to a big University. After high school I moved to New Zealand and worked as an intern for a record company who also has a big festival every year called Parachute Music.
I then moved back to Australia and ran promotions for a big festival called Easterfest. Soon after I moved to Nashville for a summer and worked with some different organizations.

When I returned I was offered a scholarship to study Marketing & Events management at APM school in Brisbane.
Where I now have an advanced diploma.

What does a typical week look like for you?
As my magazine is brand new and still building a database I work 2 jobs and work in LIOL whenever I can.
The jobs I do work in allow me time to work on LIOL.
I also organize events, do a lot of photography for people.
So NO week is usually the same.

What do you wish you would have known before starting your career in PR?
More about printing!
But its good because its something I can always learn as I go. Also I have people I know whose advice I trust.

How important is writing in your career?
In mine its not important…unless its just Twitter/Facebook updates.
I have a large amount of people who are willing to offer their time to write for me.
At this early stage in the magazine its mainly all online interviews (video) and events which we run monthly.

What three tips would you offer someone just starting out in PR?

  1. Be willing to take advice from ANYONE! and don’t take it as criticism.
  2. Always be open to new ways to doing things. (Technology is crazy)
  3. Try networking in a way that isn’t forceful. Be passionate about your organization and people will WANT to know.

Did your education prepare you for working in PR? How?
Yes and no. I found all the hands on experience to be very useful and some of our lecturers new what they were talking about as they were from professions not actual teachers.

Sometimes the professional’s couldn’t relay everything to us in a way that we could take on, as they were not trained teachers. But overall I learned a lot of great stuff but from personal experience all hands on work you can get take it!

How does technology affect your daily work?
(What forms of social media do you use)
YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Skype. These websites help me stay connected with the world. I stay on them 24/7. It’s amazing how much technology can help with any kind of organization.

Are you involved in any professional PR organizations?
Yes in Australia and a few in America. I’m more so involved with NOT FOR PROFIT organizations because its primarily what my magazines focus is on.

Feature Story Tips

I found this image here. describes a feature story as:

“A feature story is an essay written by a journalist or news reporter on varied subjects of human interest. It can be a profile of someone or about some event. It can also be about your pet, favorite food or dresses and so on. When writing a good feature story, it require certain basic and special skills to make it appealing and generally persuasive”.

All feature stories need to have solid guidelines. I have gone to a few different websites to determine some good tips to write a good feature story. The following 10 tips come from

  1. Headline- You should write a two-line headline that tells the story. This will be all editors will have to go on to decide whether they will open up the story and consider it for publication or broadcast. The aim is to have copy used verbatim. If it reads like an ad, it won’t get used.
  2. First Paragraph- You need to expand upon the same story told in the headline in 30 words or less. Keep all your paragraphs short, using simple, declarative sentences. Don’t digress. If you use adjectives, make them count.
  3. Second Paragraph- In the second paragraph you should include:
  • Backing up your story with supporting information.
  • Identify who is telling the story.
  • Add toll free number and price in parentheses.
  • Add full Web site address enabling a hyperlink.

4.Third Paragraph- You use a humanizing or compelling quote from a spokesperson you want interviewed
and who can lend authority to the story.

5. Fourth Paragraph- You need to transition into details and explain how the product works or provide tips
and advice.

6.Fifth Paragraph- Support the story with a third-party endorsement or a quote. Alternatively, you can
provide additional detail or biographical information, if necessary.

7. Sixth Paragraph- Provide context to your story by including the fact or statistic that demonstrates
the importance of the story.

8. Final Paragraph- Tell them how to get what you’re selling. Repeat purchase information such as toll-free
number or Web address.

9. Editors Notes- Interviews, photos, video, b-roll product demo materials available.

10. Other General Guidelines-

  • Look for a feature angle that will interest readers.
  • Talk to the source, uncover the story.
  • Identify up to three types of editors you want to target.
  • Keep most paragraphs to under 30 words.
  • Make the feature useable verbatim if cut after the second paragraph.
  • Write in laymen’s language. Avoid superlatives, jargon and excessive mentions of a brand name.

Also posted a very interesting article that involves feature stories. Yo can find the article here.

Student Blog

This semester has really changed my perspective on blogging. I always thought I wouldn’t be to much into blogging but after the first few weeks I knew I was addicted. I’m now excited to have my own personal blog to talk about my personal life experiences. This class has now opened my eyes to how interesting other bloggers lives are. In this class COMM 2322 I have come to rely on one friends blog. Kelly Wood is always up to date on her blog and I know if I am behind I can go look and see what I need to work on.

Kelly always knows how to keep her blog fun and interesting. I like her different post about things going on around campus. Her post “PR OpenMic” shed light on more information about the Open Mic’s our school hosts.

I also enjoy how informational her post are in everyday thing I use. Her post called “What the Tweet” made me thankful she posted it because I had no idea that this virus was on Twitter.

Finally the photo she chooses to use for her blog comments I enjoy. She always finds an interesting photo to represent the number.

Too much love?

PR Connection #4
Comm 2322

The reality stars of the show “Sister Wives” are in trouble for having a stable family. While I do not agree with what they are doing they are raising their children in a home with loving parents. In today’s society it is hard to find couples still married. Most of the time people don’t even get married and make their homes very unstable for their children. I do think it’s wrong for them to have multiple marriages the husband, Kody Brown, has said that he is only married to one of the four women.

  • Do you think it’s wrong what this family is doing?
  • Do you think that the family should be under investigation?
  • Do you think these children have a good concept of love?


Dora Drama

PR Connection
#3 Comm 2322

Image found here.

Nickelodeon has found themselves in the middle of controversy with one of their stars. The young lady that voices the charcter of Dora has been “let go” by Nickelodeon. Caitlin Sanchez, the 14-year-old who voices Dora, has recently gone through puberty and no longer has the same voice. She was signed with the company to have a contract to last until June of 2012. She last recorded audio for the show on September 30, 2010 and there were no problems then, could there be something that the public doesn’t know? Sanchez’s mother has filed a lawsuit against Nickelodeon, the company says that Sanchez will be compensated for her work but her voice will no longer fit the character.

  • Do you think it’s fair for the company to drop her?
  • Do you think there is something deeper other than her voice changing?

Insane Clown Christians

PR Connection
#2 COMM 2322

Image found here.

If you have heard of the “Insane Clown Posse” then you would most likely know that their music is very violent and offensive. The group recently released a statement saying that they are evangelical Christians. That while some of their music may sound bad it was because they wanted to reach out to their lost fans. While some fans say they could see a deeper meaning behind some of the lyrics, others fell betrayed by the band. One of the lead members of the group stated: “You have to speak their language. You have to interest them, gain their trust, talk to them and show you’re one of them. You’re a person from the street and you speak of your experiences. Then at the end you can tell them: God has helped me.”

  • If you have heard of this band and their music, do you see the hidden meaning?
  • Have they taken “reaching the lost” to far?

Katy Perry gets back at Elmo

Photo found here.

PR Connection #3

Katy Perry was recently featured on Sesame Street to be a “friend” of Elmo. The video showed Perry running around in a reveling top singing a form of her hit song “Hot and Cold”. While the Producers of Sesame Street originally approved the sketch, some parents caught wind of this video and decided it was not proper for their kids to see Perry in such a revealing costume. So the clip was pulled from Sesame Street.

The week following the clip release Perry was scheduled to be the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. Perry ended up in a skit where she was playing a teen librarian. Perry came in wearing a VERY revealing shirt that had Elmo’s face on it. While the skit was funny it did nothing to change the Seasame Street Producers minds. The skit will remanded off the air until further notice.

What’s your opinion? Did Perry go to far?

Perry on Sesame Street can be found here.
And her SNL clip can be found here.
**Viewer discretion is advised.

Booing in the Ballroom?

PR Connection #2

This past weeks episode of Dancing with the Stars had many celebrities in attendance. One being Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin, who was supporting daughter Bristol Palin, sat in the audience and at one point of the show was interviewed. Right before the camera shot to Palin there was a lot of booing in the ballroom. Just a few hours after this happened Gossip Queen, Perez Hilton put his own spin to what happened in the ballroom. According to Perez, the crowd began booing when they saw that Palin was about to be interviewed. Perez went on to call Palin an “insane politician”. The next night DWTS showed raw footage revealing that the audience was booing the judges for giving low scores to the dancers that danced right before Palin’s interview. You tell me, who really got booed?

Perez has realeased another blog post saying that ABC was just covering up Palin being booed.
You can find Perez’s original blog post here.

Gaga “Born This Way”

PR Connection #1

While Lady Gaga might seem a little crazy at time I will be one to say I disagree. This year at the 2010 MTV VMA’s Lady Gaga took the stage after winning the award for video of the year for “Bad Romance”. The pop star with tears in her eyes said that if she won then she would relaease the title of her new album. Gaga bursts out in song singing, “I’m beautiful in my way, because God makes no mistakes. I’m on the right track, baby I was born this way.” The young starlet knew this would get peoples attention and it did, within minutes of Gaga singing the line on stage it was already posted to YouTube. The next day Gaga was seen walking the streets with a new tattoo of a unicorn with the words, “Born this way”(image below). Gaga sure knows how to get attention for this upcoming album and is very smart with how she is marketing herself.

(Credit: Daniel/Harding/

Justin Bieber makes up 3% of Twitter

According to a recent article written it said that the young teen sensation, Justin Bieber, makes up 3% of Twitter traffic. It is said that their are “racks of servers” dedicated to Bieber’s twitter account. At only 16-years-old Bieber already has 5 million followers.The reason traffic is  so heavy with the musician is because once something is posted is it re-tweeded to millions in a matter of minutes. He also get 60 @-replies every second after he tweets.

Friends have told me following Bieber can be quite annoying at times. From what I hear he is constently having something to say and when he gets bored he will not stop tweeting. His young fans have also learned the if they @-mention the pop star saying something like, “I wish Justin Bieber would say hello to me”, Bieber will tweet back at them responding with just a, “Hello”. I guess he knows what he is doing with over 5 million followers.

Bieber is not the most popular celebrity in twitter world. As of right now Lady Gaga currently has the most followers coming in at a whopping 6,121,123 and growing daily.

The article I wrote on can be found here.